September 2022
iphone battery

These 7 Tips Can Offer a Long Lasting Battery Life to iOS 16!

The brand new iOS 16 can now be installed in Apple devices like iPhone 8 and above. Majority of the iPhone users have already updated their current OS version with the new version to avail its benefits. With the new upgrades, there has arisen the need for the battery saving options for the devices having...Read More

10 Ways iOS 16 Would Amaze You!

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iOS 16 is not only an OS, but a power packed package of comprehensive features and functionalities. Updating your phone would leave an amazing experience while switching to iOS 16 as it has got many reasons to delight its fans. Health Tracking With the new version of iOS, a tool named HealthKit is offered that...Read More

How iOS 15 would Influence the Developer Community?

For mobile application developers, iOS is the platform they love to work on. Some popular app categories include games, music apps, social networking and communication. iOS 15 will offer an opportunity for the developers to create marvelous apps using its features. 5 Aspects of iOS 15 to Influence Developer Community: HealthKit The new Healthkit introduced...Read More

Is Apple Pay Really Safe?

Apple Pay has managed to retain a primary position in the media since its launch. The much awaited iOS feature has proved to be magnificent and classy. Now the iOS users would be able to pay the revenue easily by just the touch ID rather than using hard cash or plastic cards. Now, the question...Read More
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