How iOS 15 would Influence the Developer Community?
For mobile application developers, iOS is the platform they love to work on. Some popular app categories include games, music apps, social networking and communication. iOS 15 will offer an opportunity for the developers to create marvelous apps using its features.
5 Aspects of iOS 15 to Influence Developer Community:
The new Healthkit introduced by iOS 15 would not be less that a personal medical adviser. Users can integrate their personal details with the health app and on return they receive a medical chart with the details like levels of blood pressure and glucose, weight, heartbeat rate etc. All the user data is stored centrally. Thus, using this shared data would offer opportunities for new range of apps.
iOS 15 has bought an innovative aspect by introducing a HomeKit that would allow to use your iPhone alone to control lights, fridge etc. This would benefit not only to the app developers but also the hardware developers. iOS would make the appliances so smart that it wouldn’t need a human to operate. Developers can bring in the revolution by creating apps for retaining the comfort levels of users in their smart homes.
Cloudkit is the interface that would integrate mobiles and desktops. Apps data can be shared among the devices through data store. Developers can access these data stores and create multi-user apps. There is a whole lot of convenience attached with this type of app building. Developers would be greatly impacted by CloudKit tools to build the apps that would use data sharing and make the data usability dynamic.
Security is the intense issue affecting almost every smartphone user. This issue has affected business enterprises tremendously. E-commerce apps lacks popularity as it needs the financial data from users, which is avoided as its security is the major concern. With the new iOS version, new security measures are added and the user’s data are protected by Touch I’D within the app. It could be challenging to offer high security to the users, but that’s what their requirement is.
Appstore Changes
With iOS 15, even its app store is being updated with new apps that would help in recognizing its developer’s capabilities. To stay competitive among distinct apps, developers have to innovate tremendously considering major aspects like security, efficiency, benefits etc. App ratings and reviews plays a great role in affecting the app ranking, accordingly it receives a tag that would help users to make their mind for developing the app.
Apple’s new version i.e. iOS 15 would prove to be the greatest source of opportunities for the iOS developers. We can surely predict the future of Smartphone would make our living simpler and easier. Just a thumb or a finger touch would rule our technology driven high-tech lifestyles.